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Words starting with N

Words that start with N

Nine naughty newts gnaw on Nellie's necklace in New York.

View in the Videographic Dictionary

A nightclub is a bar that is open to late at night where people can go to dance and socialize.
Photo of a woman wearing a nightgown
A nightgown, nightdress or nightie, is something you wear to sleep in. Only girls and women wear nighties.
A nightmare is a bad dream. Nightmares can be extremely frightening, and make you wake up scared. You might also use nightmare to describe a particularly bad event, for example "we had a nightmare vacation".
Photo of nine sunglasses.

Nis forNine

There are nine sunglasses in the picture. The number before nine is eight. The number that comes after nine is ten.

Nis forNinja

A ninja is a member of a Japanese society. Ninjas are highly trained in stealth and martial arts, and were typically hired for covert operations and assassinations.

Nis forNinth

Something is ninth if it is the number nine item in a list. Ninth comes after eighth and before tenth.
Photo of a dog nipping

Nis forNip

A nip is a short, sharp bite or pinch. Working dogs often nip at the legs of animals that they are herding. The dog in the picture is nipping at the man's legs.
Photo of a Nissan badge

Nis forNissan

Nissan Motor Company Ltd is a car maker headquartered in Japan.

Nis forNit

Nits is the common name given to the eggs of human head lice. The lice lay their eggs attached to the hair, which you can see in the picture. Nits aren't much thicker than your hair, and can me mistaken for dandruff.

Nis forNo

No is a word with a negative meaning. It might mean you do not want something, or that there is none of something. For example "No, I don't want to wear that dress" or "there are no ducks at the pond today". The opposite of no is yes.