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Photo of a dog wearing a scarf

List of prepositions

Prepositions are found before nouns to form phrases that act as modifiers of verbs, nouns, or adjectives. They usually express a relationship of size or time.spatial, temporal, or other relationship.

Photo of a boy eating icecream

Lis forLike

You like something if you find it enjoyable. Most people like chocolate, they like their pets and they like their friends. The boy in the picture likes icecream. When you really really like someone or something, you can say you love them. Like is also another word for similar or alike.

Nis forNear

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Photo of a sign that says of

Ois forOf

Of is a word that can indicate distance, source or reason. Some examples are: "I live south of the intersection" "a slice of cake" "that dress is made of polyester".
Photo of an Apple Mac computer, switched off
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Ois forOff

Something is off if it is not powered up and available to be used. The computer in the picture is switched off. Off also can be used to indicate something no longer attached to something else: "the branch broke off the tree", or for reducing something: "take ten percent off the price". The opposite of off is on.
Photo of an Apple Mac computer, switched on
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Ois forOn

Something is on if it is powered up and able to be used. The computer in the picture is turned on. On is also used to indicate positioning, as in "the cup is on the table". The opposite of on is off.

Ois forOut

You go out when you go away from something, or out from inside something. For example, you might go out to a restaurant. If you rearrange some items, they become out of order. The cat in the picture is getting out of a box. The opposite of out is in.

Ois forOutside

The little girl in the picture is outside in her backyard playing. The opposite of outside is inside.
Someone jumping over someone

Ois forOver

The man in the picture looks like he is jumping over the woman in the picture.
Photo of a round hole.

Ris forRound

Something is round if it has the same shape as a circle or a sphere. The hole in the piece of wood in the picture is round. Round is also a short form of around.
Photo of a child in a playground

Tis forThrough

You go through something when you go in one side and out the other. The little girl in the picture is going through a hole in a playground.