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Photo of a dog wearing a scarf

List of prepositions

Prepositions are found before nouns to form phrases that act as modifiers of verbs, nouns, or adjectives. They usually express a relationship of size or time.spatial, temporal, or other relationship.

Tis forTo

You use the word to when you are talking about going toward something, for example "I am going to the shops", "apply paint to the wall" or "the time is ten to six".
Photo of a cow coming toward the camera

Tis forToward

You go toward something when you move in its direction, so you get closer to it. The cow in the picture is coming towards the person who took a photo of it.

Uis forUnder

Something is under something else if it is lower than it. This cat is under the chair. The opposite of under is over.
Photo of someone up a ladder

Uis forUp

Up is a direction. You go up when you go higher. The person in the picture has just climbed up the ladder and is now sitting at the top. The opposite of up is down.
Photo of a sign that says via

Vis forVia

You go via a place when you are on a route from one place to another and you go through that place on the way. For example, "I went to the shops via the post office."