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Photo of a toucan.

Words that rhyme with -an

List of words that end with a "an " sound

Photo of a family of orangutans
Scientific name: pongo borneo
Orangutans are reddish-brown apes that live in trees, and are the largest animal that lives entirely in trees. They can weigh up to 113kg, but are usually around 33-82kg. Their arms are twice as long as their legs. Orangutans live almost entirely on fruit, but will also eat leaves, honey and eggs.

Ois forOttoman

An ottoman is a low seat with no arms, sometimes with a storage space inside. You often use an ottoman to put your feet up on, like a footstool.
Photo of redcurrants in a pan

Pis forPan

A pan is a metal container that usually has a flat bottom and reasonably straight sides. Pans may or may not have handles. Shallow pans are called frying pans, and deeper pans are called saucepans.
Photo of parmesan cheese being grated.

Pis forParmesan

Parmesan cheese is a hard, strongly flavoured cheese which is most often grated and added to food. It is commonly seen grated and sprinkled onto pasta dishes.

Pis forPecan

Scientific name: carya illinoinensis
Pecans are the fruit of a kind of hickory tree, native to North America and Mexico. They have a rich taste, and are most commonly used in sweets and desserts.
Photo of a pelican

Pis forPelican

Scientific name: family: pelecanidae
Pelicans are a large water bird that lives on coastlines all over the world, except the very cold areas. They have a large pouch under their bill, which they use to scoop up fish from the water.
Photo of a sign in Persian
Persian, also called Farsi, is a language spoken in Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan.
Persian cats are one of the oldest longhaired cat breeds. They are originally from Persia (now Iran). Persians come in a wide variety of colours, and have a distinctive flat face. Persian is also a language spoken in a number of countries.
Photo of a postman

Pis forPostman

A postman, mailman or postal officer is someone who delivers letters and parcels to your house. Postal workers usually ride bicycles or motorbikes.

Ris forRan

Ran is the past tense of run.