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Photo of a spider

Words that rhyme with -der

List of words that end with a "der " sound

Sis forShoulder

Your shoulder is the joint between your arm and your body. People sometimes tap you on the shoulder to get your attention. The woman in the picture has a rat on her shoulder.
Photo of a slender girl

Sis forSlender

Someone is slender if they are thin and graceful. Young women are often slender.
Photo of a glass of soda

Sis forSoda

Soda, also called soda pop or just pop, is a sweet, fizzy drink that is usually fruit-flavored and served cold.

Sis forSolder

Solder is an alloy of tin and lead. It has a low melting point, and is used to join small metal things together. Soldering is most often used to make circuit boards.
Photo of a group of warthogs

Sis forSounder

A group of warthogs is called a sounder.
Photo of a spider.

Sis forSpider

Spiders are a kind of animal known as an arachnid, and they are related to the scorpion. All spiders have a head, body, eight legs and no wings. Spiders come in a variety of colours, but most are brown or grey. They range from so small you can hardly see them, right up to the size of a plate.
Scientific name: petaurus breviceps
The sugar glider is a small marsupial found in Australia and New Guinea that looks like a tiny possum. Sugar gliders have a flap of skin between their front and back legs on both sides that they can stretch out and use to glide. Sugar gliders can jump out of trees and glide through the air to another tree, like a flying squirrel. Sugar gliders eat the sweet sap of some trees, and some types of nectar.
Photo of lightning

Tis forThunder

Thunder is the loud rumbling sound made by lightning. Thunder can also describe other loud noises, for example "the herd of horses thundered by".

Uis forUdder

An udder is the part of the female cow or goat that milk comes from. Baby cows or goats drink from their mother's udder, but people also collect the milk using machines so they can sell it in shops.
Photo of the Ugandan flag

Uis forUganda

Uganda is a country in east Africa. The capital of Uganda is Kampala.