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Photo of an elephant.

Words that rhyme with -ant

List of words that end with a "ant " sound

Photo of a pitcher plant
Scientific name: families nepenthaceae and sarraceniaceae
Pitcher plants, like venus fly traps and sundews, are carniverous plants. They eat insects because they grow in very poor soils and need the extra nutrients. Pitcher plants catch insects in deep pitchers that have smooth sides and something sweet at the bottom to attract insects. When an insect is caught inside, the lid of the pitcher closes. Some pitcher plants grow large enough to catch small animals.
Photo of a potted plant.

Pis forPlant

Plant is a word that covers an enormous number of living things in the world. Plants can be divided up into several groups, namely algae (that green slime you find in ponds), bryophytes (non vascular plants, or mosses and lichens - the small, often fuzzy plants that you see growing on rocks or on the ground in damp corners) and tracheophytes. Tracheophytes, or vascular plants, are the most familiar. They include all the trees, ferns, grass and flowers you see around your neighbourhood. The plant in the picture is a vascular plant, growing in a pot.

Pis forPregnant

Pregnancy is the state female mammals are in when they have one or more babies growing inside them, in their uterus. People, cows and horses usually have one baby at a time, while animals like pigs and cats have many babies at a time.
Scientific name: ribes rubrum
Redcurrants are a small berry related to gooseberries that are from Europe. They are quite sour and are only used for making jams and other cooked food. A paler, less sour type of redcurrant is called the whitecurrant.
Photo of some cows

Ris forRuminant

Ruminants are animals that chew their cud. Ruminants include animals like cows both domestic and wild, sheep, goats, giraffes, members of the deer family, camels, alpacas, llamas and members of the antelope family.
Scientific name: Sansevieria trifasciata
Snake plant is also called viper's bowstring hemp, mother-in-law's tongue or Saint George's sword. It is a very hardy plant, and spreads by growing below the ground and then sending up new leaves.
Scientific name: chlorophytum comosum
Spider plants are a very common, easy to grow plant. They will grow in a wide range of conditions, and will grow indoors too. They can remove air pollution from inside your house or office. New spider plants are easy to grow by pinning down into some soil the baby plants that grow on the end of long spikes on the adult plant, and then cutting them off when they have roots.