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Search results for: dinner

Dis forDinner

Dinner is the meal you eat at the end of the day, usually at around 5 or 6 o'clock. Dinner can be anything, but is usually some kind of meat and some vegetables.

Ois forOnce

Once means at one time in the past, for example "I had dinner there once". It might also mean any period of time in the past, for example "I was once the owner of that house". It might also mean as soon as, for example "Once you have finished dinner, you can go play".
Afternoon is the time of day after midday or noon. Since people usually have lunch in the middle of the day, afternoon can be seen to be the time of day between lunch and dinner.

Mis forMeal

A meal is a substantial amount of food eaten at a particular time of the day. The traditional main meals of the day are breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Dis forDine

To dine simply means to eat your main meal of the day, usually dinner. It is most often used when you are talking about eating out at a restaurant.

His forHam

Ham is a type of preserved pig meat. In Italy it is called prosciutto. Ham is usually sold sliced, for people to use in sandwiches. At Christmas you can often buy ham on the bone to slice up yourself for Christmas dinner. Ham and pineapple pizza is a very common food with ham in it.
Photo of a banquet

Bis forBanquet

A banquet is a very large formal dinner, usually with several courses, that is served to a large number of people at once. A less formal large dinner for many people is called a feast.
Photo of a salad

Sis forSalad

A salad is a dish that is mainly made up of raw vegetables, sometimes with a dressing like vinegar. Sometimes salads also have cooked meat, fruit, cooked vegetables or other things like nuts in them. Salads are usually served cold as a side dish at dinner or lunch time.

Dis forDessert

A dessert is a sweet course of a meal that is usually served at the end, after the main course. Most people have dessert after dinner. A dessert can be almost anything that is sweet and tastes good - cake, pudding or icecream are some examples.
Photo of a clock

Cis forClock

A clock is something you can use to tell the time on. It is useful to know the time, so you know when to go to school, or have dinner, or watch your favourite TV show. A small clock that you wear on your wrist is called a watch.