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Photo of a shop

List of places

Places you can visit, or stop and stay a while.

Photo of a hotel room

His forHotel

A hotel is a place you stay when you are travelling. You pay by the night to stay at a hotel. Some hotels have hundreds of rooms, and you can order meals and other things to come to your room. A smaller hotel where you can park your car is called a motel.
Photo of an inn

Iis forInn

Inn is a place that you can stay at night, or buy food and drink. An inn is like a small hotel.
Photo of a jail cell

Jis forJail

A jail is another word for a prison. People who have done something wrong are locked in jail as a punishment.

Kis forKitchen

A kitchen is a room in a house where you cook your meals. Some kitchens are big enough for a table and chairs so you can eat meals in your kitchen too.

Lis forLair

A lair is a secret place where a person or animal can hide. Lairs are often underground.
Photo of a lane

Lis forLane

A lane is a narrow street. Sometimes lanes run behind houses and there are only back doors opening onto the lane, not front doors.
Photo of a laundromat
A laundromat is a place you go to wash and dry your clothes if you don't have a washing machine at home. There are lots of coin-operated washing machines and dryers in a laundromat that anyone can come in and use.
Photo of bookshelves in a library

Lis forLibrary

A library is a place that has thousands of books, DVDs, videos, games and usually has computers too. Libraries are a great place to go when you are looking for information, or just a good book to read.
Photo of a man on a lookout

Lis forLookout

A lookout is a high place that has a nice view. Lookouts are usually set up so you have somewhere to stand and look or take photos, and they have a guard rail so you don't fall off. If you are on the lookout it means you are keeping watch for something.

Mis forMall

A mall is an indoor shopping area where many different shops are located within the same building.