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List of places

Places you can visit, or stop and stay a while.

Photo of a garden

Gis forGarden

A garden is a planned space, full of plants that have been placed by the garden's owner. Gardens can be indoors or outdoors, just for decoration, or for growing fruit and vegetables. Some gardens have plants that are trimmed into shapes, called topiary.
Photo of a golf course
A golf course is a place where you play golf. Golf courses are very big. They have a lot of lawn, patches of sand and patches of trees and shrubs. Golf courses usually have eighteen holes.
Photo of a grocery store
A grocery store, or supermarket, is a place you go to buy all the food you need. Grocery stores also sell other things that aren't food, like toilet paper, diapers, soap and lots of other things you use around the house.

Gis forGround

The ground is the part of the world you stand on. When you talk about the ground, you usually mean the ground outside. Ground is usually made from dirt and often has grass growing on it. Ground is also the past tense of grind.
A gymnasium is an indoor space where you go to exercise or play indoor sport.
Photo of heaven

His forHeaven

Heaven is a place where God and angels live, and is said to be where people who have led a good and righteous life go when they die.

His forHell

In some religions such as Christianity, Hell is a place that people who have been bad during their lives are believed to go when they die.
Photo of a you are here sign

His forHere

Here is the place that you currently are. If you want someone to come to you, you might call out "come here!"

His forHome

Your home is the place you live. You can also talk about your home being the place you grew up or the place you came from, as in your home town or even your home country.
Photo of a hospital ward

His forHospital

A hospital is a big place where sick and injured people are taken to get better. Babies are also born in hospitals. Doctors and nurses work together to make people better in hospitals.