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Photo of orchids

Words that rhyme with -id

List of words that end with a "id " sound

Photo of a car skidding

Sis forSkid

You skid when you slide along the ground, with no rotation. Cars can skid along the road when there is ice on the road or they go too fast and lose control.
Photo of a water slide

Sis forSlid

Slid is the past tense of slide.

Sis forSolid

A solid is something in a state that is generally difficult to change the shape of. Most things that you can see around you are solids - your furniture, rocks, and the computer you are reading this on. The other two states that physical things can be in are liquid and gas. Both of these can change shape extremely easily. You can pour water very easily because it is a liquid, but you can't pour a brick.
Photo of some squid being cooked

Sis forSquid

Scientific name: order: teuthida
Squid are sea creatures related to the octopus and cuttlefish, which all have eight legs. Squid move by sucking water into the top part of their body and squirting it out in a jet. They can also squirt ink into the water to confuse anything that is trying to eat it. The squid in the photo are being cooked on a barbeque.
Photo of tepid tea

Tis forTepid

Something is tepid if it is somewhat warm, but not hot. Another word for tepid is lukewarm.
Vivid flowers.

Vis forVivid

If something is vivid, it is bright and clear. The flowers in the picture are vivid colors.