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Photo of a cheek.

Words that rhyme with -eek

List of words that end with a "eek " sound

Photo of a cat peeking

Pis forPeek

You peek when you quickly look at something from a hiding place, where you think no-one will see you. The cat in the picture is peeking out from behind a cupboard.

Sis forSheik

Sheik is an Arabic word used to describe a male leader. Sheik can be used to describe the leader of a government, community, or family. Sheik is also commonly spelled sheikh.
Photo of a sleek black cat

Sis forSleek

Something is described a sleek if it is smooth and shiny. Sleek is a word most often used to describe the coat of an animal like a cat or horse but can also be used to describe a particularly beautiful car or even some electronic devices.

Sis forSpeak

When you speak to someone, you use your mouth to make words that say something.
Photo of a mouse

Sis forSqueak

A squeak is a short, high-pitched noise. Small animals like mice squeak. Metal surfaces that are not well lubricated will squeak when they rub together, for example a squeaky door.
Photo of streaky clounds
A streak is a long, narrow band of something. A streak might be a dirty mark, a patch of color, or even a cloud formation.
A group of tigers is called a streak, or an ambush.
Photo of teak

Tis forTeak

Scientific name: tectona grandis
Teak is a timber from an Indian tree. It is hard, durable and is particularly useful for making outdoor furniture and decking on ships.

Uis forUnique

Something is unique if there is nothing else like it. When something is unique, there is only one thing of its kind.

Wis forWeak

Weak means that something or someone is lacking strength, health, or energy/a>. If you're sick, you might feel weak.