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Photo of a playground slide.

List of toys and games

Toys, games, sports, play equipment, and anything else used to have fun.

Photo of a playground
A playground is an area especially designed for children to play in. Playgrounds are full of brightly colored play equipment, such as swings and slides.
A playground slide (or slippery dip if you are in Australia) is a smooth slippery sloped surface that you slide down. They are usually made of metal or plastic and have a set of stairs or a ladder at the back to climb up.
A girl using a pogo stick.
A pogo stick is a toy with two handles for your hands and two steps for your feet with a strong spring at the bottom which allows you to jump very high.
Photo of a hockey puck

Pis forPuck

A puck is a small, round object that is flat on the bottom. It is used instead of a ball in hockey.
Photo of a boy with puppets

Pis forPuppet

Puppets are models of people or animals that you can control and make them move how you want to. Puppets are worked by putting your hand inside them, or by moving them using pieces of string. You use puppets to make up plays and tell stories. An interesting kind of puppet is the shadow puppet, where instead of looking at the puppets performing you look at their shadows instead.
Photo of a wooden puzzle

Pis forPuzzle

A puzzle is a problem that is made for entertainment or fun. One of the most common kinds of puzzle is a jigsaw puzzle. Puzzles are usually reasonably difficult, and lots of people enjoy solving puzzles.

Qis forQuoits

Quoits, sometimes called ring toss, is a game where you throw rings at a peg. The aim of the game is to get as many rings on the peg as possible. The rings were originally heavy and made of metal, but they can also be made of wood, rope, or even used horseshoes. Quoits using horseshoes is called horseshoe pitching.
Photo of a baby and some hanging rattles

Ris forRattle

A rattle is an object that makes noises when you wave it around. Modern rattles are usually brightly coloured. They are considered an early baby toy.
Photo of a child on a rocking horse
A rocking horse is a toy horse, large enough for you to sit on, that has rockers on the bottom so you can make it rocks backwards and forwards as you sit on it. Not all rocking horses are in the shape of horses, you can get all manner of animals with rockers on the bottom. Horses are just the most common.
Photo of a rollercoaster
A rollercoaster is a series of tracks that go up and down, and a cart that slides on the tracks. Rollercoasters can be very fast, and sometimes even have full loops in the tracks so you go upside down. Rollercoasters are great fun to ride on.