Scientific name: family: macropodidae
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Scientific name: odobenus rosmarus
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A walrus is a large animal that spends most of its time in the sea. They eat clams, sea snails and other animals from the bottom of the sea. They can live to about 50 years old, and a male walrus can grow to weigh between 1,600 and 1,900kg, and get 10-12 feet long. They are distantly related to the seal.
Scientific name: phacochoerus africanus
The warthog is a king of pig that lives in Africa. It has a lumpy face, hence the name warthog. Warthogs have two pairs of tusks which they use to fight and dig for food.
Wasps are a group of flying, stinging insects that eat other insects. They usually eat pest insects like caterpillars, and can be very useful to gardeners and farmers who are trying to keep their crops safe. Wasp can sting many times, while bees can only sting once.
Scientific name: genus mustela
Wis forWedge tailed eagle
Scientific name: aquila audax
The wedge-tailed eagle is the largest eagle in Australia, and one of the largest in the world with a wingspan of around 2.5 metres. It eats any animal that is small enough for it to catch, including rabbits, small kangaroos and lambs.
Wedge-tail eagles will also eat dead animals they find, and are commonly seen eating by the roadside eating kangaroos that have been hit by cars.
Scientific name: Superfamily: Curculionoidea
Whales are a large animal that lives in the sea. They are not fish, as they need to come to the surface to breathe, the same as we do when we are swimming. There are many different varieties of whale. Some eat fish, penguins and seals, but the majority of whales have a large mouth full of tiny bristles that they use to filter tiny sea animals out from the water to eat.
The whale is closely related to the dolphin.
Scientific name: buccinum undatum
Whelk is the common name given to a number of different sea snails that are caught for food. The snail most commonly called a whelk is buccinum undatum.