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Words starting with E

Words that start with E

Eight echidnas eat eggs in an elevator.

View in the Videographic Dictionary

Photo of an emerald pendant

Eis forEmerald

Emeralds are a gemstone quality variant of beryl, made from beryllium aluminium silicate. The deep green colour is from trace amounts of chromium. Emerald tends to be imperfect, with inclusions and fissures so while the pure stone is hard, emeralds are actually quite prone to breaking.
Photo of a mouse emerging from a pipe

Eis forEmerge

You emerge from something when you come up out of it. The mouse in the picture is emerging from a play tunnel.
Emotional means anything to do with the emotions.More commonly, it means someone who is prone to emotional extremes, mood swings, or describes something that provokes a strong emotional response. For example, "that film is very emotional".
Photo of men pouring cement

Eis forEmployed

You are employed if you have a job. Employed is also the past tense of employ.

Eis forEmpty

Something is empty if there is nothing inside. The room in the picture is empty.
Photo of an emu

Eis forEmu

Scientific name: dromaius novaehollandiae
Emus are a large flightless bird that lives in Australia. It is the second-largest bird, after the ostrich. They eat insects and some plants. Emus lay very large, speckly blue eggs with hard shells. The male emu looks after the eggs and babies.
Photo of a salad dressing needing emulsion

Eis forEmulsion

An emulsion is a mixture of two ingredients that wouldn't normally blend together, such as oil and water. Many sauces are emulsions.
Photo of some enamel jewelery

Eis forEnamel

Enamelling is a technique involving melting coloured glass onto a surface by heating it at a very high temperature in a kiln. Enamal is used to decorate jewellery, vases and to put a coloured layer on common items like saucepans.
Photo of a barnacle encrusted rock
Something is encrusted if it is covered in a layer of something else. Usually when you talk about something being encrusted, the layer is made up of lots of small things. Some expensive jewelry is encrusted with diamonds, and the rock in the picture is encrusted with barnacles.
Photo of a sign that says end

Eis forEnd

The ends of something that is long and narrow are the shortest sides. The end of a journey is the place you are going to. The end of an event is when it finishes. The opposite of end is start or begin. A similar word to end is stop.