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List of places

Places you can visit, or stop and stay a while.

A courtyard is a room without a roof. Courtyards can be part of a garden or a house.
A crematorium is a place where a dead person's body is cremated.

Dis forDairy

A dairy is a type of farm where cows are kept for the purpose of making milk, or a place that is used for making products from milk, like butter and cheese. Dairy can also be used to describe something made from milk, such as butter, cheese, yoghurt etc.
A dormitory is a building that has a lot of rooms for residents, usually students. Dormitory rooms often have multiple beds in them and have shared bathrooms.

Dis forDump

A dump is a place where garbage is taken to once you throw it away.

Eis forEntrance

An entrance is the way into somewhere, usually a building. When you enter somewhere with a big fuss, you are said to be making an entrance. The opposite of an entrance is an exit.
Photo of an exit sign

Eis forExit

An exit is the way out of somewhere, or the way to leave. An exit might be a place or something you do, for example "he exited the room". The opposite of an exit is an entrance.

Fis forFactory

A factory is a large industrial building where people or machines make things on a very large scale. Things like cars, toys and most common household goods are made in factories.
Photo of a farm.

Fis forFarm

A farm is a large area owned by a farmer. On a farm, animals and crops are grown on a big scale. A farmer may have hundreds of acres of wheat and thousands of sheep or cows. Farms are where food is grown for all the people who live in cities all over the world. Farms can have many crops or just one or two. A farmer might have an apple farm, or a chicken farm instead of having lots of different things.
Photo of a field

Fis forField

A field is a large area of ground that is used either to grow crops or for farm animals to graze on. Fields usually have a fence around the edge.