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Photo of tadpoles

Words that rhyme with -ole

List of words that end with a "ole " sound

Photo of a soccer goal

Gis forGoal

A goal is something that you aim for or work towards - a goal is the end point of something. You might have a goal to save $1000 by the end of the year, or to lose 5 pounds. In many sports, a goal is a place you try and get a ball into.
Photo of a door with two holes in it

His forHole

A hole is where a piece of something is missing. The door in the picture has two holes in it.

Kis forKohl

Kohl is a dark powder that is used to make your eyelids darker.
Photo of a manhole

Mis forManhole

A manhole is a hole just large enough for an adult man to fit through. Manholes are generally used to access sewers.
Photo of a mole

Mis forMole

Scientific name: family: talpidae order: soricomorpha
Moles are small animals that are designed to burrow under the ground. Their ears and eyes are covered up and hidden. They eat insects like worms that live under the ground.
Photo of a pole

Pis forPole

A pole is a very tall post. Poles are often used to hold something up, like a tent or power lines. A Pole is also someone from Poland.
Photo of a porthole.

Pis forPorthole

A porthole is a small, round window typically seen on ships. Any small, round window on a building or anything else is also given the name porthole. Portholes on ships may not always be able to be opened. When they can, they must have a watertight seal.
Photo of a dog rolling over

Ris forRoll

You roll when you lie down and move from your front to your back (or the other way around). If you keep rolling you can travel quite some distance. You roll a ball or something else round when you push or pull it along the ground and it moves by turning over and over without losing contact with the ground.
Photo of a sausage roll
A sausage roll is a convenience food made from sausage mince, wrapped in pastry, and baked. They are usually sold as a takeaway food, or smaller sausage rolls are a common children's party food.
Photo of Seoul, South Korea

Sis forSeoul

Seoul is the capital of South Korea. It has a population of around 10.5 million.