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Words starting with D

Words that start with D

Dashing dentists daintily eat dates while dancing at the disco.

View in the Videographic Dictionary

Photo of a doormat

Dis forDoormat

A door mat, or welcome mat, is put in front of a door so people can wipe dirt and mud off their shoes before they come into a house so the house stays clean. Doormats often have a picture or a message on them.
A dormitory is a building that has a lot of rooms for residents, usually students. Dormitory rooms often have multiple beds in them and have shared bathrooms.
Photo of cough medicine

Dis forDose

A dose is a measured amount of medicine that you give to someone when they are sick.

Dis forDots

Something is spotted if it has a pattern of small, round things all over it. Many animals are spotted. If the spots are perfectly round and even they are usually called dots. People will usually call animals covered in dots spotted and clothes covered in spots to be dotted.

Dis forDough

Dough is a soft substance made mostly from flour mixed with things like butter, water, eggs or milk. Dough is what things like bread and pastries are made from before they are cooked and can be eaten.
Photo of white doves

Dis forDove

Scientific name: family: columbidae
Doves and pigeons are very closely related. The word 'dove' is usually used for smaller, paler varieties of pigeon. The classic dove is white.
Down is a direction. You go down when you go lower. The cat in the picture has just jumped down into a hole. The opposite of down is up.
Photo of a fluffy feather
Down feathers are fluffy feathers found underneath the smooth outer feathers of a bird, and on chicks that haven't grown their adult feathers yet.
Photo of a dog dozing

Dis forDoze

You are dozing if you are sleeping lightly, and can be easily woken up.
Photo of a dozen donuts

Dis forDozen

A dozen is another word for twelve (12). A half dozen is another word for six (6). A lot of things are sold by the dozen, like roses and eggs.