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Photo of a net.

Words that rhyme with -et

List of words that end with a "et " sound

Cis forCrumpet

A crumpet is a bread snack made from flour and yeast. Crumpets are usually round, flat on one side and covered in holes on the other side. They are usually eaten hot with melted butter, jam or honey, and sometimes with eggs or cheese. Crumpets are usually only found in Britain and Australia.

Cis forCygnet

A cygnet is a baby swan.

Dis forDebt

A debt is an obligation to return something, usually money, that you have borrowed from someone else. Debts are usually repaid with interest, which means that you pay back more than you have borrowed.
Photo of two people singing a duet

Dis forDuet

Two people singing or playing musical instruments together is called a duet.
Photo of an egret.

Eis forEgret

An egret is a white heron. There are several different kinds of egret, all of them are white or pale.
Photo of a faucet.

Fis forFaucet

A faucet or tap is a device you usually find on a washbasin, sink or in your garden. when you turn it on, water comes out. Faucets can have a lever you move up and down to turn them on and off, or a handle that you twist around. Usually faucets are found inside, and taps outside.
Photo of pet ferrets.

Fis forFerret

Scientific name: mustela putorius furo
Ferrets are domestic animals, usually kept as pets. They are related to the polecat and weasel. Ferrets eat small pest animals like rats and rabbits.
A file cabinet, or filing cabinet, is a piece of furniture with large drawers in it that have a rail inside. You can hook files onto the rails and store your paperwork inside them.
A fillet of beef.

Fis forFillet

A fillet is a boneless cut of meat.

Fis forForget

You forget something if you don't do it, but not on purpose. You might forget to do your homework, or go out and forget your keys. The man in the picture has forgotten to put his pants on before he goes to work.