Doberman dogs, also called dobermann Pinschers, are a large, slim dog originally from Germany. They were used most often as guard dogs or police dogs, but are now most common as pets. They are an extremely loyal, protective, intelligent dog. They have developed a reputation for aggression, this has been selectively bred out in recent years but the reputation remains and is still popularised on TV and in movies.
Ris forRottweiler
Rottweilers are a large, strong, sturdy dog originally bred as a herding dog in Germany. Today they are often seen as guard dogs. They are good natured, calm, and are good around children.
Corgis are a small herding dog originally bred in Wales. The most famous owner of corgi dogs is the Queen of England. Corgis are a funloving dog, and make good family pets.
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A knot is a way of fastening something long and thin like rope, string or yarn by tying or interweaving. You tie your shoelaces with a knot, and if you want to tie your dog to a pole by his lead so he can't run away, you use a knot for that too.
A bow is a special kind of pretty knot that leaves two big loops, and is usually made of ribbon in hair ties or on a dress.
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