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Words starting with T

Words that start with T

Ten terrified turtles went traipsing through the turnips in Tennessee.

View in the Videographic Dictionary

Photo of a sign saying Tuesday

Tis forTuesday

Tuesday is the second day of the week. The day before Tuesday is Monday and the day after Tuesday is Wednesday.
Photo of an owl with tufted ears

Tis forTuft

A tuft is a small bundle of something soft and fluffy, like hair, feathers or even fine grass. Tufts tend to be formed with one end of the tuft all in one place, and the other end of the tuft loosely spread out.

Tis forTug

When you tug on something, you pull very hard to move it.
A tug of war is when two groups of people pull on opposite ends of a length of rope. The winning team is the one that pulls it furthest in their direction. Usually there is a marker in the middle of the rope so you can tell how far the teams have come. Sometimes there is something like a pool of water or mud in the middle so the losing team falls in.
Photo of a field of tulips

Tis forTulip

Scientific name: tulipa gesneriana
A tulip is a flower with a distinctive shape that grows from a bulb. Tulips come in a huge variety of colours and patterns, and are grown to be used as a cut flower. Tulips usually flower in spring. They should be planted in autumn. Tulips will tolerate very cold climates. You can grow new tulips from offsets, which are small plantlets that bud off from the sides of the main tulip bulb.
A tumbleweed is any plant that grows to be a ball shape, and when it is fully grown it dies, dries out, and breaks off from its roots. The dry tumbleweed is then blown along by the wind, bouncing along until it gets stuck on something like a fence. Tumbleweeds lose their seeds as they tumble along, which spreads the plant.
Photo of a woman's stomach

Tis forTummy

Tummy or belly is a slang word for the part of your body where your stomach is.
Photo of a tuna fish

Tis forTuna

Scientific name: thunnus albacares
Tuna is a type of large, carnivorous saltwater fish. The tuna in the picture is around 8 feet long. They are a very popular fish for eating. Meat from tuna is commonly sold in cans. Fresh tuna meat is popular in sushi and sashimi, and fresh tuna can be cooked as steaks.

Tis forTundra

Tundra describes the landscape you find in very cold areas of the world. There are generally very few plants growing in tundra, other than lichen, moss and small plants.
A tuning fork is a specially shaped piece of metal that rings with a certain musical note when it is hit. Tuning forks are used to tune musical instruments to.