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Words starting with A

Words that start with A

Angry anteaters arguing against albino antelopes.

View in the Videographic Dictionary

Photo of sea anemones

Ais forAnemone

Scientific name: order: actiniaria
Sea anemones are closely related to coral and jellyfish. They eat small sea creatures and small fish that drift past them into their tentacles. The tentacles have poison in them, and the anemone stings them to kill them before it eats them. Sea anemones spend most of their lives stuck to the same rock or other surface, but can unstick themselves and swim to a new rock if conditions aren't good for them, such as if their rock dries out for too long or something is trying to eat or damage the anemone. Sea anemones can reproduce in the usual way by releasing eggs and sperm, but they can also reproduce by budding off new anemones or by splitting themselves in half to form a new anemone.
Photo of a statue of an angel

Ais forAngel

An angel is a messenger from a divine being. They are usually drawn as a person with wings. The picture is a statue of an angel.
Photo of an angle grinder
An angle grinder, also called a side grinder or disc grinder is a device used for cutting or polishing very hard substances like metal and stone.
Anglerfish are small, predatory fish. They have one or more long, thin, flexible spines on their heads with a fleshy lump at the end. They can move this spine around and dangle the lump like bait in front of their mouths. Anglerfish are fairly rare and have an unusual way of reproducing. Male anglerfish are much smaller than females, and when they are mature they bite onto a female and then wither away to nothing but reproductive organs. They live like parasites on the female's bloodstream.
Photo of an angry man

Ais forAngry

Anger is a strong feeling of displeasure. Another word for angry is mad. People often get angry when they don't get their way, or when someone disagrees with them. The person in the picture is angry.
Photo of a green frog

Ais forAnimal

An animal is a living organism. All animals have to eat, sleep and breathe to live. Fish, birds, dogs and humans are all animals.

Ais forAnise

Scientific name: pimpinella anisum
Anise or aniseed is a small plant related to fennel and celery. It is grown for its seeds, which have a similar taste to liquorice. It is a different plant to star anise.
Photo of someone with their ankles up.

Ais forAnkle

Your ankle is the joint between your foot and your leg. You can feel quite a bump on the side of your ankles.
Photo of annoying seagulls

Ais forAnnoy

You annoy someone by bothering them until they are irritated, but not to the point of them being angry. The seagulls in the picture are annoying the people eating their lunch.
Photo of an annoyed cat

Ais forAnnoyed

If someone or something is annoying you, you are annoyed. If you annoy someone for long enough, they will become angry.