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Words starting with A

Words that start with A

Angry anteaters arguing against albino antelopes.

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Ais forAfghan

Afghan means something relating to Afghanistan, or a person from Afghanistan.
Photo of an afghan hound
Afghan hounds are a large, slim dog with a long, silky coat that gives them a very distinctive appearance. They are a very old breed from the mountains of Afghanistan, developed to find hares and gazelles. They are an independant dog, and are not easily trained. Even when trained, they aren't always obedient and will ignore commands they don't feel like obeying.

Ais forAfraid

You are afraid of something when you are scared of something and you just want to run away from it.

Ais forAfrica

Africa is the second-largest continent both by size and population. It straddles the equator - parts of Africa are in the Northern Hemisphere and parts are in the Southern Hemisphere.
Photo of African daisy flowers
Scientific name: dimorphotheca ecklonis
African daisies are very hardy plants originally from South Africa, with rich green leaves and purple or white flowers. They grow to about 40cm high, and will spread to form a groundcover. They tolerate both frost and drought, but do not like being in soil that is too damp. They are easy to grow from both seeds and cuttings. This plant is regarded as a weed in parts of Australia.

Ais forAfro

An afro is a hairstyle that you get if you have very tightly curled hair, and you let it grow out naturally.
Afternoon is the time of day after midday or noon. Since people usually have lunch in the middle of the day, afternoon can be seen to be the time of day between lunch and dinner.
Photo of agapanthus flowers
Scientific name: agapanthus africanus
The agapanthus, or Lily of the Nile, is a plant originally from Africa. It is very hardy, and has bundles of blue or white flowers on the end of stalks. They can withstand both frost and drought, but are much happier in warmer weather with more regular watering.
Photo of polished agate

Ais forAgate

Agates are a common variety of brightly coloured quartz. They come in a range of colours depending on the mineral impurities they contain, and can be used in jewelry.
Photo of an agave attenuata

Ais forAgave

Scientific name: agave attenuata
Agaves are a large genus of plants from Mexico. They are very hardy, with a distinctive spiral of large, pointed leaves. The agave in the picture is one of the most common varieties of agave, agave attenuata.