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Words starting with D

Words that start with D

Dashing dentists daintily eat dates while dancing at the disco.

View in the Videographic Dictionary

Photo of some dim lights

Dis forDim

A light is described as dim if it is not very bright. A room that is only dimly lit is also described as dim. The lights in the picture are dim. The opposite of dim is well lit or bright.
Photo of a dime

Dis forDime

A dime is a coin from America or Canada, equivalent to one tenth of a dollar, or ten cents.

Dis forDimple

A dimple is a dent somewhere on a person or animal. Dimples are most commonly seen on people's cheeks.

Dis forDine

To dine simply means to eat your main meal of the day, usually dinner. It is most often used when you are talking about eating out at a restaurant.
Ring bell for service

Dis forDing

A ding is a short, sharp, ringing sound, usually made by a bell.
Photo of a dingo on a beach

Dis forDingo

Scientific name: canis lupus dingo
A dingo is a kind of yellow dog that was introduced to Australia many hundreds of years ago. They howl, but they do not bark. When people started farming sheep in Australia, the dingos killed the sheep, so people built a fence right across Australia to keep the dingos out.

Dis forDinner

Dinner is the meal you eat at the end of the day, usually at around 5 or 6 o'clock. Dinner can be anything, but is usually some kind of meat and some vegetables.
Drawing of a dinosaur
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Dis forDinosaur

Dinosaurs lived on the Earth millions of years ago. They came in a huge variety of shapes and sizes. Some dinosaurs were tall and walked on two legs, others walked on all fours. Some dinosaurs ate grass and leaves, other dinosaurs ate smaller dinosaurs.

Dis forDip

A dip can be one of many things. As a verb, you dip something by lowering it briefly into a liquid, for example the person in the picture is dipping some bread. The semi-liquid food he is dipping the bread into is also called a dip. Dips are very tasty, can be made from virtually anything, and are usually served with some kind of bread. Many dips are made with a yoghurt base. A dip is also a shallow dent or depression in the ground, often seen where a drain crosses a road.
A direction is the way something is facing or moving. Most directions have names, like east, west, up, down, left or right.