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Words starting with B

Words that start with B

Bright blue birds bite bruised bananas.

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Bis forBurmese

Burmese cats are originally from Burma, and were once all brown. They are now available in a range of colours. Burmese are friendly and intelligent and make great pets. They like being social with their humans, and are talkative cats and will hold conversations with their humans too.

Bis forBurn

Something is burning if it is on fire. Many things can be burnt, but wood, coal and paper are the most common things to burn.
Photo of some burnt wood

Bis forBurnt

Something is burnt or burned if it was on fire at some point in the past and is now blackened and charred. Food can become burnt if you cook it for too long.
Photo of a man burping

Bis forBurp

Scientific name: eructation
A burp or belch is gas coming up from your stomach, through your mouth. Burps can be very loud, and can smell bad too.
Photo of a woman wearing a burqa

Bis forBurqa

A burqa is a garment worn by women that completely covers them. It is worn for religious or cultural reasons, and is only worn when the woman is outside the privacy of her home. The veil part of a burqa is called a purdah, and may cover her entire face or just the part below her eyes.
Photo of a burr

Bis forBurr

A burr is any plant seedpod that is prickly and easily gets caught up in animal's fur. A burr is also a sharp, rough edge left behind by a cutting tool, or a rough part on other kinds of surface.
Photo of a burrow

Bis forBurrow

A burrow is a hole in the ground that animals like foxes and badgers dig as homes for themselves. Burrowing can also be used as a verb, as in "the rabbit was burrowing into the side of the hill".
Photo of a balloon bursting.

Bis forBurst

A burst is when something suddenly pops open, usually because the pressure inside builds up too high for the container holding it. Bursting is used to describe new buds bursting into life, or fireworks bursting, or a bubble or balloon popping.

Bis forBury

You bury something when you cover it up with sand or dirt. The boy in the picture is buried up to his neck in sand.