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Words starting with E

Words that start with E

Eight echidnas eat eggs in an elevator.

View in the Videographic Dictionary

Eis forEntrance

An entrance is the way into somewhere, usually a building. When you enter somewhere with a big fuss, you are said to be making an entrance. The opposite of an entrance is an exit.
Photo of an envelope

Eis forEnvelope

An envelope is a special paper container that you put letters into to send them to other people. It costs money to send a letter. You have to buy a stamp to put on it to send it.
A tropical environment.
An environment is the surroundings a person, plant or animal lives in, including landscape and weather.
Photo of an envious bridesmaid

Eis forEnvy

Envy is being resentful of something that someone else has. Sometimes, people who are envious will wish the other person doesn't have the coveted item either. Envy is one of the seven deadly sins.

Eis forEqual

Two things are equal when there are no difference in the amounts of each thing. For example, two glasses each with equal amounts of wine in them.
A diagram of the equator.

Eis forEquator

The equator is an imaginary line drawn around the earth that is equally distant from the north and south poles, dividing the earth into hemispheres.

Eis forEraser

An eraser is a piece of soft rubber or plastic that is used to rub out mistakes you make with lead pencil.
Photo of some bad erosion

Eis forErode

Something gets eroded if it is being worn away. Mountains slowly erode over time and the rock they are made from turns to dirt. Erosion is only a problem if it happens too fast. When people cut down a lot of trees and plants all at the same time, there is nothing to hold the dirt together so it either gets blown away by the wind or washed away by rain. Once the soil has eroded away there is nothing to grow plants in for food, and the land becomes useless. The picture is of some bad erosion around a creek.
Photo of eroded rocks

Eis forErosion

Erosion is the process by which something becomes eroded. Something is eroded by being worn away slowly over time, usually from the action of wind or running water. Even the hardest rock can slowly become eroded. Erosion is a problem if it happens too fast, for example when trees and plants are removed by people and then all the good soil is washed away because there is nothing holding it together anymore.

Eis forErupt

Something erupts when it throws something out with great force, for example when lava erupts from a volcano.