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Words starting with H

Words that start with H

Horrible hippos hunt huge hairy hamsters in Hobart.

View in the Videographic Dictionary

His forHeadache

A headache is when your head hurts. You can get a headache because you are sick, stressed or many other reasons.
Photo of someone wearing headphones
Headphones are something you wear on your ears that let you listen to sound or music, and people around you cannot hear what you are listening to. Headphones come in all shapes and sizes, from large ones like in the picture through to tiny earbuds you can barely see.

His forHeal

You heal when you have an injury or disease and it gets better. The man in the picture has hurt his hand some time ago and now it is healing.

His forHealth

Your health is your general condition and well-being. If you are sick, you are in poor health. If you are feeling good, you are healthy. The plants in the picture are very healthy.

His forHealthy

You are healthy if you are in a state of good health. Healthy people and animals are in good condition, and are not sick or injured. Healthy food is food that is good for you, and helps you to stay healthy.
Photo of a heap of rubble

His forHeap

A heap is a large pile of similar things, making a big mound. It is also a slang word for a lot of something, for example "I have a heap of homework to do tonight".

His forHearing

You use your ears to hear with. Hearing is a very important sense but it is possible to live very well when you cannot hear. Someone who cannot hear is deaf. Some people who are deaf never learn to talk so they communicate with sign language.
Photo of a hearse

His forHearse

A hearse is a car that has been especially designed to be able to fit a coffin in the back, for transportation between a funeral home and a cemetery. Before cars were invented, hearses were horse-drawn.

His forHeart

A heart shape has come to mean "love". People draw red hearts or give red heart shaped chocolate to people they love.
Photo of a fireplace

His forHearth

A hearth is the floor of a fireplace. The hearth usually is larger than the fireplace, and makes a small step in the front of the fireplace. It is there to protect the floor around the fireplace from burning embers.