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Words starting with H

Words that start with H

Horrible hippos hunt huge hairy hamsters in Hobart.

View in the Videographic Dictionary

Photo of a hot air balloon.
A hot air balloon is a huge balloon that is filled with hot air. The air is made hot by a burner at the base of the balloon, and it flies because hot air is lighter than cold air, so it rises. Hot air balloons can carry a lot of people in a basket hanging from underneath them.
Hot cross buns are sweet buns that are usually made with raisins or other dried fruit. They are marked with a cross on top, and are traditionally eaten on Good Friday at Easter time.
Photo of a hotdog

His forHot dog

A hot dog is a type of food made from a sausage inside a bread roll. You can add other things to a hot dog, like tomato ketchup, onions, mustard, cheese or anything else you think might taste good.
Photo of a hotel room

His forHotel

A hotel is a place you stay when you are travelling. You pay by the night to stay at a hotel. Some hotels have hundreds of rooms, and you can order meals and other things to come to your room. A smaller hotel where you can park your car is called a motel.
Photo of a houndstooth print
Houndstooth is an abstract two-colour check design that was made by weaving two colours of wool together in a particular way. Houndstooth is most commonly seen in black and white.

His forHour

An hour is a time period of sixty (60) minutes. There are twenty four (24) hours in a day.
Photo of an hourglass
An hourglass is a device that uses the passage of an amount of sand from the top to bottom half of the device to mark time. The amount of time an hourglass can mark depends on the size of the hourglass and the amount of sand in it. An hour would be the standard amount, but hourglasses can also be bought that are egg timers for cooking hard or soft boiled eggs, or shower timers when people want to save water.
Photo of a row house.

His forHouse

A house is a place that people live in. Normally a family lives in a house, but sometimes houses are shared by friends or a couple. When you are talking about your own house, you call it your home.
Photo of a hovercraft
Hovercraft are vehicles that are supported by a cushion of air, and move forward by fans or propellers. They have fans that push air underneath them, and the air cushion is held in place by a flexible skirt around the base of the hovercraft. Hovercraft can travel over any relatively flat surface, like water, ice, swamp and dry land.
Photo of a dog howling.

His forHowl

A howl is a long, mournful noise made by a dog or wolf.