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Words starting with A

Words that start with A

Angry anteaters arguing against albino antelopes.

View in the Videographic Dictionary

Ais forAss

An ass is another name for a donkey. An ass is also a slang word for your buttocks.
A man helping a woman across a stream
When you help or assist someone, you are offering your assistance. Not to be confused with assistant.

Ais forAsterisk

An asterisk is a symbol a little like a star that is used to mark a footnote, draw attention to something, or mark when something might be ambiguous.

Ais forAsteroid

An asteroid is very similar to a comet - it is a large rock that orbits the sun. Comets have a tail, while asteroids do not. Smaller rocks, from the size of a grain of sand to a large bounder are called meteoroids. When they enter the Earth's atmosphere, they are called meteors. If they hit the ground, they are called meteorites. The photo is of a meteorite.
Photo of an astronaut
An astronaut or cosmonaut is someone who goes above the Earth into space on a spaceship. Astronauts sometimes visit the moon, and perhaps in the future they will visit other planets too.
Something is asymmetric if it not symmetric. If something is asymmetric, if you cut it in half, the two sides will not be mirror images of each other.

Ais forAte

Ate is the past tense of eat.

Ais forAthletic

If you are athletic, you are physically fit due to playing sports or exercising.
Photo of an ATM

Ais forATM

An ATM is an Automatic Teller Machine. You put your keycard or credit card into it to deposit or withdraw money.
The Earth's atmosphere, as seen from space.
The atmosphere is the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth, mostly nitrogen and oxygen. These gases protect us from the sun's radiation and make up air, which we breathe.