His forHatch (chick)
Birds, fish, most insects and most reptiles lay eggs, as do monotremes. Fertilised eggs have a baby creature growing inside them, and when it has finished growing as much as it can inside the egg it breaks through the outside of the egg and comes out. This process is called hatching.
His forHatch (opening)
Hay is dried grass or other crops that has been stored to be fed to animals. Hay usually has the seed heads of the grass in it as well as just the stems and leaves. Hay is different to straw.
Scientific name: corylus avellana
Hazelnuts are the nut of the hazel tree, and are very commonly used as an ingredient in chocolates, cakes and cookies (biscuits). Most hazelnuts are grown in Turkey. Hazelnuts can also be eaten raw or roasted.
The head is the topmost part of your body. On the front of your head is your face, and on the top and back of your head you grow hair. All animals, insects, birds and fish have heads, except for some tiny organisms that are so small we cannot see them. Your head is joined to your body by your neck. The photo is a mannequin's head.