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Words starting with M

Words that start with M

Mild mannered mice melt marshmallows in Minnesota.

View in the Videographic Dictionary

Mis forMexican

Mexicans are people from Mexico, and Mexican also means anything relating to Mexico.
Photo of mice

Mis forMice

Mice is the plural of mouse. There are two mice in the picture.
A microchip.
A microchip is a tiny machine component that is made of a series of circuits that help a computer or other machines process information.
A microphone is a device that collects sound and turns it into electrical signals. These electrical signals can then be recorded or amplified.
Photo of a microscope
A microscope is a device that that you use to see things that are so small you cannot see them using just your eyes. Microscopes are used to see things like cells that make up larger objects like skin or leaves.
Photo of a microwave oven
A microwave oven, or just a microwave, is an appliance that heats food using microwave radiation. The microwaves heat the water inside the food, so food cooks very fast in a microwave oven. Microwave ovens cannot brown food like an ordinary oven can, and can't be used for cooking all kinds of food. Some microwaves are combination and also have some ordinary heating elements in them too.

Mis forMidday

Midday is another word for noon, the time of day when the sun is at its highest point in the sky.
Photo of a sheep in the middle of the road

Mis forMiddle

Middle is a less formal use of the word center, meaning a point that is equally distant from the edges of a shape. In common use, middle just means something that is roughly in the center of something else. In the picture, the sheep is in the middle of the road.
Photo of a dark night

Mis forMidnight

Midnight is the middle of the night, 12am, or twelve o'clock at night. The opposite of midnight is midday, or noon.

Mis forMidwife

Midwives offer care to pregnant women through their pregnancy, the delivery of their babies and for some time after the birth. Compared to obstetricians, midwives generally take care of women with low-risk pregnancies, and strive to help women have a natural birthing experience and try to intervene as little as possible.