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Words starting with T

Words that start with T

Ten terrified turtles went traipsing through the turnips in Tennessee.

View in the Videographic Dictionary

Photo of terracotta pots
Terracotta is a type of unglazed ceramic that is a distinctive reddish-brown color. It is most commonly used for plant pots and rooves.
Hilly terrain.

Tis forTerrain

Terrain describes the physical features of land, for example flat, hilly, or rough.

Tis forTerrier

Terriers are small dogs, generally bred to hunt rodents.

Tis forTexta

A texta is another name for a marker in some countries.

Tis forTexture

The texture of a surface is how it looks and feels. A woolen blanket has a slightly rough, scratchy texture. The cantaloupe in the picture has a very distinctive texture.
Photo of a Thai woman dancing

Tis forThai

Thai describes anything related to Thailand, a person from Thailand or the language spoken in Thailand. Not to be confused with thigh.
Thanksgiving is a harvest festival, where people give thanks for the harvest. It is a holiday on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and on the second Monday of October in Canada, but is not celebrated in any other countries.
Photo of a thatched cottage

Tis forThatch

Thatching is an ancient way of making a roof on a house. Thatch is made from a thick layer of straw or reeds, and is thick enough to be watertight.

Tis forThe

You use the when you are talking about a specific instance of something rather than a general one. For example, the dog to mean a particular dog or a dog to mean any dog.
Photo of a thermometer
A thermometer is a device that tells you how hot or cold something is. There are many different types of thermometers for different heat ranges. Some tell you how hot you are so you know if you are so sick you are running a fever. Some tell you what temperature the air is, and others tell you how hot your oven is. The thermometer in the picture works by the expansion and contraction of mercury as the temperature changes, but most thermometers today are digital and simply display numbers.