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Words starting with C

Words that start with C

Cute cats crawl carelessly past carefully cultivated canola.

View in the Videographic Dictionary

Photo of capsicums

Cis forCapsicum

Scientific name: capsicum annuum
The capsicum or bell pepper is a medium sized fruit that ranges in colour from green to yellow to red. Unlike their cousins the chili, bell peppers are mild and sweet and are often eaten raw in salads, or cooked on pizza.
Photo of a capsized boat

Cis forCapsize

A boat is capsized when it has flipped upside down or onto its side, and can't be sailed until it is righted.
Photo of a captive orangutan

Cis forCaptive

Someone is a captive if they are restrained and do not have their freedom. Someone or something may be held prisoner in a cage, tied or chained up so they can't escape or are simply held captive by verbal threats.
Photo of an aviary
Captivity is the state of being held captive. The birds in the cage in the picture are living in captivity.

Cis forCar

A car is a vehicle that is usually meant to carry between two and five people. Some cars can go very fast and are used in races, but most cars are just used by people to get to and from work, shopping or school.
Car park.

Cis forCar park

A car park, also known as a parking lot, is a flat area made of asphalt where you put your car while you're not driving it.
Photo of a caracal

Cis forCaracal

Scientific name: caracal caracal
A caracal is a slender, muscular, medium-sized wild cat with long legs and a short tail. It is from areas of Africa, west and south Asia. Caracals usually live alone. Female caracals are very territorial, but males will roam over a very large area. Caracals are closely related to servals.
Photo of cubes of caramel

Cis forCaramel

Caramel is a word for a mid-brown colour as well as a food. Caramel is made by heating sugar until it melts and changes colour. Caramel has a disctinctive flavour and is used in a lot of desserts like puddings and cakes, and is also used in lots of sweets and candies.
Photo of a caravan

Cis forCaravan

A caravan, or travel trailer, is like a small house that is towed behind a car so you don't need to stay at a hotel when you are on vacation. Caravans are compact, but have one or more beds, an oven, closets, and sometimes even a toilet and shower.
Photo of carbon

Cis forCarbon

Scientific name: C
Carbon is an element, and it is not a metal. Carbon can be found in many forms, the most well-known are: a clear, crystalline form called diamond, the black graphite found in lead pencils and common carbon that is found as coal and soot.