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Words starting with C

Words that start with C

Cute cats crawl carelessly past carefully cultivated canola.

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Photo of a fizzy drink up close.
A drink is carbonated if it has carbon dioxide gas dissolved into it. Carbon dioxide will only dissolve under pressure, so fizzy drinks tend to be slightly pressurised in their bottles. When you open the bottle and release the pressure, the carbon dioxide comes out of the drink in a big rush of bubbles and makes the drink fizzy.
Photo of a greeting card

Cis forCard

A greeting card is a piece of thick paper with a pretty picture on the front and a message inside. You give cards to people on special occasions, like their birthday, their wedding, or to someone you love on Valentine's day.

Cis forCardamom

Scientific name: elettaria cardamomum
Cardamom refers to a group of related spices in the same family as ginger. Most commercial growing of cardamom is done in India, and cardamom is a common ingredient in Indian food. Cardamom has a strong flavor, and you don't need to add much to your food.
Photo of a pile of cardboard
Cardboard is very thick paper. Cardboard might be solid all the way through, or it might have a zigzag of thinner cardboard inside it, for strength but keeping it light.
Photo of a cardigan

Cis forCardigan

A cardigan is a type of sweater that has an opening down the front. Cardigans usually have a buttoned opening. They are usually knitted but sometimes are sewn together from fabric.
Photo of a cargo ship.

Cis forCargo

Cargo, also called freight, is goods that are being transported. Cargo is usually being moved so it can be sold. When people talk about cargo they usually mean very large quantities of goods, like the shipping containers full of goods on the ship in the picture.
Photo of a caribou

Cis forCaribou

Scientific name: rangifer tarandus
A caribou, otherwise known as a reindeer, is a type of deer from the cold, northern regions of the world.
Photo of carnation flowers
Scientific name: dianthus caryophyllus
Carnations are a popular cut flower, with greyish green leaves and flowers that come in shades of pink, white and red, and in solid colours as well as patterned. The edges of most carnation petals are distinctively frilly.
Carnelian, also called sard, is a deep red stone often used in jewelry. It is a silicate with large amounts of iron impurities.
Photo of a lion eating
A carnivore is an animal, person or plant that eats flesh, particularly that of other animals. The opposite of a carnivore is a vegetarian or herbivore.