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Words starting with D

Words that start with D

Dashing dentists daintily eat dates while dancing at the disco.

View in the Videographic Dictionary

Dis forDiss

Diss is an abbreviation of the word disrespect. Diss is used as slang, especially among hip hop and graffiti artists. If you diss someone, you have insulted them.

Dis forDissolve

You dissolve a solid in a liquid by mixing the solid around until it seems to disappear. Once the solid is completely dissolved, the resulting solution behaves exactly like a liquid. Solids won't dissolve in any liquid, they must be soluble in them. For example, table salt is soluble in water but not in oil. Solids that do not dissolve in a liquid but are mixed into a liquid can be removed with a filter. Filtering is an effective way to remove very fine particles of dirt from water.

Dis forDistance

Distance describes how far apart two points are, or describes something that is a long way away, for example "you can see the hills in the distance". The men in the picture are making a fence with all the posts the same distance apart.
Photo of a ship in the distance

Dis forDistant

Something is distant if it is a long way away from you. Something can be distant in terms of physical distance or time, for example "her childhood was a distant memory".
Something is distorted if it's shape has been changed from what it should be. Something can just look distorted, like the flowers behind the warped glass in the window in the picture, or it can be physically distorted.
Photo of a ditch

Dis forDitch

A ditch is a long hole, similar to a trench but ditches are less likely to be filled in later. Ditches can be dug for drainage or as a barrier to keep animals in or out.

Dis forDive

Diving is a sport where you jump into the water, usually from a small platform. Some people dive in so they can start swimming faster. Sometimes people have the diving board set up really high so between jumping off and landing in the water they have time to do lots of acrobatic twists and turns. Usually when you dive into the water, you want to make as small a splash as possible.

Dis forDivorce

Divorce is the legal end of a marriage. When two people decide they don't want to be married any more, they go to court where a judge gives them a divorce.
Photo of a doberman dog

Dis forDoberman

Doberman dogs, also called dobermann Pinschers, are a large, slim dog originally from Germany. They were used most often as guard dogs or police dogs, but are now most common as pets. They are an extremely loyal, protective, intelligent dog. They have developed a reputation for aggression, this has been selectively bred out in recent years but the reputation remains and is still popularised on TV and in movies.

Dis forDock

A dock is a place where ships can come up against the shoreline and load or unload their cargo. It might also be a similar system set up for trucks to load and unload. Used as a verb, docking is the act of something connecting to a dock.