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Words starting with P

Words that start with P

Purple ponies prance through a pink palace in Pittsburg.

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Pis forPointy

Something is pointy if one or more parts of it has an outwards-facing part with a sharp or acute angle. The shoes in the photo are very pointy.

Pis forPoison

Poisons are something that, when it gets into the system of a living organism, has a bad effect. If a creature comes into contact with enough poison, they will die. Poisons are distinguished from venom and toxins in the way they are produced. A toxin is a poison produced by a natural process, and venom is a poison that is injected by a bite or sting.
Photo of poison ivy
Scientific name: toxicodendron radicans
Poison ivy is a vine that grows throughout North America. It is not a true ivy. Poison ivy contains urushiol, a type of oil that causes an itchy rash in most people.
Photo of a poisonous frog
Something is poisonous if it contains poison. Poison can make you very sick, or kill you. Poison needs to get inside you somehow to be dangerous. Poisonous mushrooms and berries are usually eaten, and poisonous insects and snakes inject poison when they bite you. The frog in the picture will poison anything that eats it, and people use the poison from the frog to put on arrows and darts to help them hunt.

Pis forPoke

You poke something by taking something pointy and pushing it into something else, but not so hard it does any damage. You can poke people with your finger to get their attention, or poke something with a stick to see how hard or soft it is.
Photo of a polar bear
Scientific name: ursus maritimus
Polar bears live in the cold areas in the northern part of the world. They are white to camouflage with the snow. They have very thick fur and a thick layer of fat to keep them warm. They are excellent swimmers, and eat mainly fish and seals.
Photo of a pole

Pis forPole

A pole is a very tall post. Poles are often used to hold something up, like a tent or power lines. A Pole is also someone from Poland.

Pis forPolecat

Scientific name: mustela putorius
A polecat, also called a fitch or foulmart, is a member of the weasel family. They are larger than weasels but smaller than otters, and are found mostly in Europe. Polecats sleep during the day and hunt at night. Polecats eat small animals like mice, voles and frogs.

Pis forPolice

A police officer (or policeman, policewoman or just police) is someone who makes sure that other people are obeying the law, and catches people who aren't. Some police officers ride horses. Horses can go places that cars and motorbikes cannot go, because horses can step over holes or things on the ground and jump fences and vehicles can't.
Photo of a police station
A police station is a place where Police officers work. A police station might have interview rooms, storage for confiscated items, holding cells for people who have been arrested, storage for paperwork, and offices for Police officers to complete that paperwork in.