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Words starting with P

Words that start with P

Purple ponies prance through a pink palace in Pittsburg.

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A prefab home.

Pis forPrefab

Prefab is an abbbreviation of the word prefabricate.
Photo of a prefabricated house
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Prefabricated describes something that has been made for quick assembly or construction. Prefabricated homes are often called mobile homes because they can be transported whole, unlike normal homes which can't be moved.

Pis forPregnant

Pregnancy is the state female mammals are in when they have one or more babies growing inside them, in their uterus. People, cows and horses usually have one baby at a time, while animals like pigs and cats have many babies at a time.
Actor Ed Helms standing on the red carpet at a movie premiere.

Pis forPremiere

A premiere is the first performance of an artistic work such as a play, movie, or concert. Movie premieres are often attended by the actors who made the movie, and they enter the theater first by walking down a red carpet.
Photo of some wrapped gifts

Pis forPresent

Present is another word for gift. Present also means the current time, right now. It is used in some sayings: "There's no time like the present".

Pis forPreserve

Preservation is a way to make something last a lot longer than it normally would. People preserve fruit and meat so that it lasts more than a few days and they can safely eat it later. You preserve ideas by writing them down.

Pis forPretzel

Pretzels are a baked snack dating back to Medieval European times. Today, pretzels come in many shapes and sizes, from small hard ones to big soft ones. Most pretzels are glazed to make them shiny and sprinkled with salt. Pretzels are said to be in the shape of arms praying, and are popular at Easter time.

Pis forPrey

Prey is an animal, including birds and fish and even people, that another animal hunts for food. Prey animals are usually - but not always - smaller than the animal that wants to eat them. An animal or person that eats a prey animal is called a predator.
Photo of a price tag

Pis forPrice

A price is the amount of money that is needed to buy something. You might buy goods, like the lantern in the picture, or you might buy services, like paying someone to mow your lawn. A price might not always be measured in money, but can also be measured in other goods and services.

Pis forPrick

You prick something when you make a hole in it with something that has a sharp point. The person in the picture has pricked their finger with a caltrop.