Wood is what the trunks and branches of trees are made from. Trees get thicker as they grow, so when you cut them down you can see rings of colors in the inside of the tree, like in the picture. When you cut a tree lengthways the rings become lines called grain, which you can see in most things made out of wood.
Wood is used to make houses, furniture and some toys.
Scientific name: porcellio scaber
The woodlouse (also called an armadillo bug, carpenter, cheeselog, doodlebug, pill bug, roly-poly, chuggypig, slater beetle, sow bug or gramersow) is a type of crustacean, and is related to the crab and lobster. They eat dead plants and fallen leaves.
Woodlice breathe through gills like fish, which is why you often find them in damp places. Some types of woodlouse can roll themselves up into a tight ball.
Wis forWoodpecker
Scientific name: family: picidae
Woodpeckers are a group of birds found all over the world except Australia, New Zealand and the polar areas. Woodpeckers have very strong, sharp, straight beaks so they can hammer and drill into wood. Their heads are designed so they do not get hurt by their hammering. Woodpeckers live mainly in forests and rainforests.
Woodpeckers mainly eat burrowing insects like beetles and grubs that they find inside dead wood and bark on trees.