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Words starting with S

Words that start with S

Six slippery snakes sailed southward on a silver ship to Sydney.

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Photo of a saucepan

Sis forSaucepan

A saucepan, also just called a pot, is a metal vessel that is used for cooking food in. It usually has one handle, and is about as wide as it is deep. It is most often used for boiling water in to cook pasta.
Photo of a cup and saucer

Sis forSaucer

A saucer is a kind of small plate. Saucers are usually not as flat as plates, and tend to curve upwards at the edges. Saucers usually come in a set with a matching teacup.

Sis forSauna

A sauna is a room made of wood used for taking steam baths by pouring water over hot stones heated by a stove.
Photo of sausages

Sis forSausage

A sausage is a long, thin meat product. They are made from a mixture of minced meat, cereals (often just breadcrumbs) and spices, in a thin casing to keep them in shape. The filling in a hotdog is a type of sausage. Sausages are usually eaten fried, grilled or BBQ'ed, with mashed potato, but there are lots of other ways to eat them. Sausages come in lots of different flavours and sizes. How many different types of sausage have you tried?
Photo of a sausage roll
A sausage roll is a convenience food made from sausage mince, wrapped in pastry, and baked. They are usually sold as a takeaway food, or smaller sausage rolls are a common children's party food.
Onions being sauteed.

Sis forSaute

Saute means to cook food in a pan with butter or oil.
Savory bacon.

Sis forSavory

Savory is a flavor category that includes spicy and salty foods. Another word for savory is umami. Bacon has a savory flavor.
Photo of a hand saw

Sis forSaw

A saw is a tool for cutting things. The picture is of a hand saw, but there are bigger saws that are powered by an engine that can be used to cut very big pieces of wood, or even stone and concrete.

Sis forSawdust

Sawdust is the name for the fine particles of wood that are made when you cut wood up with a saw. In the picture you can see the sawdust being made by the man using the chainsaw. Sawdust makes really good bedding for pet mice and guinea pigs.
Photo of a man working in a sawmill

Sis forSawmill

A sawmill is a place where trees that have been cut down are turned into planks and other sizes of timber for use in making houses, furniture and other things.