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Words starting with M

Words that start with M

Mild mannered mice melt marshmallows in Minnesota.

View in the Videographic Dictionary

Mis forMascara

Mascara is a kind of make-up that you put on your eyelashes to make them darker and thicker.
Photo of some mashed potato.

Mis forMash

When you mash something, you change its consistency to be soft and mushy, but not completely smooth. The most common kind of food that is mashed is boiled potato, which is mashed with milk and butter and called simply mashed potato.

Mis forMask

A mask is something you put over your face. Some masks are used by doctors so they do not breathe on you in a hospital. But many masks are pretend faces that are fun to wear, and make you look like a monster or an alien or just a different person.

Mis forMasonry

Masonry is a way of constructing buildings out of any type of heavy block. Different types of masonry include bricks, stone and cinder blocks.

Mis forMassive

Something is massive if it is really, really big. The truck in the picture is massive.
Photo of masts on a ship

Mis forMast

A mast is the tall support seen on sailing ships that holds up their sails. The term mast is also used for poles that support telecommunications equipment, like antennas.

Mis forMat

A mat is a piece of fabric, usually made from something quite firm like woven rushes. Mats come in different sizes depending on what they are used for. Doormats are used to wipe your feet on outside a door, placemats are used for protecting a table as you eat, and various sized floor mats are used in indoor sports as a soft surface over a hard floor. The woman in the picture is on a yoga mat.
Photo of two girls in matching outfits.

Mis forMatch

Two things match or are matching if they are very similar to each other. The two girls in the picture are wearing matching outfits. Two things are also said to match or are matching if they simply look good together. For example, the t-shirts the girls in the picture are wearing match their shorts.
A matchbook is a different way to store matches than the more common matchbox. Matchbooks are essentially a folded over piece of cardboard with a rough strip on the outside for striking the matches on. The matches in the matchbook are all attached together in a row, and also attached to the inside of the matchbook. They are also made from cardboard, and must be torn off before they can be used.

Mis forMatchbox

A matchbox is a small box designed to hold matches. Matchboxes usually have a rough strip along one or two sides to light the matches with. When all the matches have run out, matchboxes are handy to keep other small items in.