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Words starting with P

Words that start with P

Purple ponies prance through a pink palace in Pittsburg.

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Photo of a pitcher plant
Scientific name: families nepenthaceae and sarraceniaceae
Pitcher plants, like venus fly traps and sundews, are carniverous plants. They eat insects because they grow in very poor soils and need the extra nutrients. Pitcher plants catch insects in deep pitchers that have smooth sides and something sweet at the bottom to attract insects. When an insect is caught inside, the lid of the pitcher closes. Some pitcher plants grow large enough to catch small animals.
Photo of plant pith

Pis forPith

Pith is the spongy material found inside plant stems. When you are talking about citrus fruit, pith is the bitter white layer surrounding the sweet flesh of the fruit.
Pith helmets are distinctively shaped, cloth covered helmets made from cork or pith. They were most frequently worn by European explorers in the tropics or desert, on safari.
Photo of a pizza

Pis forPizza

Pizza is a flat, round piece of bread, covered in tomato sauce and lots of other toppings.
Photo of a table setting on a placemat

Pis forPlacemat

A place mat is a small mat that is put on a table, with one diner's place setting of cutlery and plate on it. Place mats protect the table from damage as well as looking attractive.
Photo of a swarm of locusts

Pis forPlague

A plague is a widespread outbreak of disease or something else bad, such as a plague of locusts. Plagues cause a lot of death or damage.
Photo of a plain

Pis forPlain

A plain, also called a savanna, field, grasslands or prairie, is a large open expanse that is covered mostly with grass, and very few trees. Grasslands are found in drier regions all over the world.
Something is plaintive if it has a sad, mournful tone to it.
Photo of a horse with plaits

Pis forPlait

A plait is much the same as a braid. Plaits and braids are a way of weaving your hair.
Photo of an airplane.
Plane is short for airplane, or aeroplane.