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Words starting with C

Words that start with C

Cute cats crawl carelessly past carefully cultivated canola.

View in the Videographic Dictionary

Photo of a crossword
A crossword is a puzzle where a player is given clues to words that must be filled out on numbered squares.
A man's crotch.

Cis forCrotch

Your crotch is the place where your legs meet, and can also be called your groin.

Cis forCrouch

Crouching is bending or stooping down low to the ground. Crouching can be very similar to squatting. The man in the picture is crouching down so he can take a photograph of something from a good angle.
Photo of a crow

Cis forCrow

Scientific name: genus: corvus
Crows are a medium sized pure black bird related to the magpie. They are very intelligent, but are not usually kept as pets. They eat dead animals they find, and insects.

Cis forCrowd

A crowd is a large group of people. Generally a crowd is a group of people with no particular order, jostling together. You can also use crowd as a verb, as in "to crowd in together" which means putting a lot of things in a small space.
Photo of a doll wearing a crown.

Cis forCrown

A crown is something that royalty and deities wear on their heads. Crowns are used to signify that the wearer is someone special, and might hold special power. Crowns are usually made from precious metal and are studded with jewels, but they can be also made from simpler materials like wood, flowers or leaves.

Cis forCrucifix

A crucifix is a cross with an image of Jesus crucified on it.
Photo of a cruise ship

Cis forCruise

A cruise is a trip you take on a ship just for fun and pleasure.
Photo of crumbs on a plate

Cis forCrumb

Crumbs are small pieces of food. They usually break off from something crumbly, like bread or cake.

Cis forCrumpet

A crumpet is a bread snack made from flour and yeast. Crumpets are usually round, flat on one side and covered in holes on the other side. They are usually eaten hot with melted butter, jam or honey, and sometimes with eggs or cheese. Crumpets are usually only found in Britain and Australia.