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Words starting with P

Words that start with P

Purple ponies prance through a pink palace in Pittsburg.

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Photo of a pinata

Pis forPiñata

A piñata is a brightly decorated container, usually made from papier-mâché, cardboard or clay. It is filled with candy or small sweet fruit and nuts, and is hung up for celebrations like Easter or birthdays. Children hit the piñata with sticks to try and break it so the candy falls out. Often they do this wearing blindfolds.

Pis forPinch

You pinch something when you grab it tightly between your forefinger and thumb. Pinching is also a word for any similar motion to pinching with your hands, or something that feels like pinching. For example, "my new shoes pinch my feet".
Photo of pine wood

Pis forPine

Pine is a soft, cheap timber, commonly used for making floors and furniture. It becomes more yellow as it ages.
Photo of a pine cone.
The pine cone is the female part of the pine tree. The pine tree's seeds grow inside the pine cone, and when it is ripe the cone opens so the seeds can fall out.
Photo of pine nuts

Pis forPine nut

Scientific name: pinus pinea
Pine nuts are the seeds of pine trees, most notably the stone pine. All pine tree seeds are edible, but only some varieties are big enough to be worth harvesting. Most pine nuts you buy in shops come from stone pines. Pine nuts are a major ingredient of pesto.
Photo of pine trees
Pine trees or conifers come in all shapes and sizes, although most are quite large trees. They all have some features in common. They all have cones instead of flowers. They all have leaves that look like thin green needles. Most pine trees grow from one central point at the top of the tree only and do not branch, which gives most pine trees a distinctive cone shape. Some species do branch, but not as much as most other trees do. Because pine trees usually grow tall and straight without branching they are commonly grown as plantation timber to harvest their wood for building houses and furniture out of.
Scientific name: ananas comosus
Pineapples are a type of very sweet tropical fruit. Pineapples are eaten fresh, used in desserts, cakes and their juice is used in many drinks. You need to take off the prickly outside of the fruit before you can eat it. Pineapple flowers are most often pollinated by the hummingbird.
Photo of a pink car

Pis forPink

Pink is a colour most often seen on flowers. You can make pink by mixing red and white paint. The car in the picture is pink.
Photo of a pinboard

Pis forPinned

Something is pinned if it is held in place by something, usually by a pin. You can pin something down without pins, for example "her hands were pinned to her sides".
Photo of pinstripes
Pinstripes are stripes that are very thin, between other much wider stripes. Pinstripe is a very common pattern on suits and business shirts.